Published on 09/03/2016 7:06 am
Natural Treatment and Remedies for Bladder Infection

For women it will be painful in living with urinary tract infection, which is caused due to a bacterial infection in the bladder. This condition arises because of germs or bacteria, which enters through urethra and travel into bladder.

Factors responsible for increasing the risk of bladder infection in women:

  • Advanced age and diabetes
  • Surgery in urinary tract
  • Abnormalities in urinary tract
  • Narrowed urethra
  • Bowel issues

Symptoms of Bladder infection:

  • Witnessing cloudy or bloody urine
  • Urine with foul smell
  • Presence of low fever
  • Feeling pain and burning sensation while urinating
  • Pain or cramping effect in lower abdomen of back

Have a look at natural remedies and treatment for bladder infection:

Drink plenty of Water:

Drinking water helps in flushing away the harmful bacteria that will put you in the right track for a faster recovery. Always aim for drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water; thus one should drink up to 80 ounces of water a day.

Intake Loads of Vitamin C:

Consuming fruits and vegetables loaded with vitamin C will help in making your urine more acidic, which will help in eliminating the bacteria in urinary tract. For sure you are going to have an active and healthy urinary tract by taking good amount of vitamin c supplements.

Regularly Eat Yogurt:

Yogurt contains good bacteria- probiotics, which helps in keeping away bad bacteria from the urinary tract. You will find consuming yogurt is effective in making a good contribution to heal your bladder infection to a certain level.

Sip Cranberry Juice:

Cranberry juice has a combination of acidic substances in the juice, which makes it harder for the fimbria (hair-like bacteria- found clinging onto the lining of the urethra) to stick that results in lowering chances of infection. Sipping cranberry juice is effective for women, who have had UTI’s before or suffering with re-occurring bladder infections. Remember always to drink a decent amount of cranberry juice to get best effects.

Use Baking Soda:

You will effectively get rid of a painful burning urination due to a bladder infection, by drinking a glass of water mixed with half of a teaspoon of baking soda. This will help in giving you relief from the burning and painful sensation while urinating.

Apply heat to soothe the Pain:

Inflammation and irritation can cause burning, pressure and pain around the pubic area; this can be brought in control to an extent by applying a heating pad. Remember to apply heat by keeping in mind the body part’s sensitivity; this will help in avoiding skin burns while giving relief from a painful burning sensation.

Opt for a Natural Antibiotic:

At, you will find useful information about natural antibiotic, which is considered to be an effective and natural bladder infection treatment. Our natural antibiotic is formulated with care by a master formulator and manufactured according to highest standards.

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Remedy bladder infection